Availability, Prices and our Terms & Conditions.
McNeill Holiday Lets updated information and booking conditions.
McNeill Holiday Lets has a 3 night minimum stay.
A 25% non-refundable deposit is required at the time of booking, to secure your reservation, the remainder of your balance must be paid at least 6 weeks prior to your arrival date. Your booking is not secured until your deposit has been paid.
Your booking will be automatically cancelled and your deposit forfeited, if your balance is not paid in full by the date given.
We also request a £100 refundable, good housekeeping/security deposit, this will be refunded as soon as possible after your departure via bank transfer, less any costs for damages, breakages, replacement of items including furniture, DVD's, bedding and towels if deemed necessary and any extra cleaning costs outwith our usual cleaning requirements. You will be billed for any costs over and above the security deposit.
Should the house be unavailable due to circumstances beyond our control, a full refund will be given. McNeill Holiday Lets will not be liable for any other inconvenience, further expense or loss.
Arrival time is from 16:00 on the first day of your booked stay.
Please vacate the property by 10:00 on the morning of your departure.
One set of towels, per person and linens are provided, these must not be removed from the property. We recommend that you bring beach towels for use out with the house for activities such as swimming.
For insurance purposes, eight is the maximum number of people the house can accommodate, (including children). Only guests listed on the booking can stay at the property.
There is no additional charge for fair usage of electricity.
A small welcome pack is made available for your arrival so please let us know of any food allergies and we will do our best to accommodate.
The oil central heating will come on twice a day. Due to the extreme rising costs, if you would like to put it on at other times, a donation towards the cost would be very much appreciated.
This is a NON-SMOKING PROPERTY. Smoking is permitted outside but doors and windows must be closed so there is no transfer of smoke into the house. All cigarette butts must be distinguished and disposed of responsibly, not left on the ground or in planters!
The house must be left in the condition you find it, on departure, dishes used must be placed in the dishwasher and washed. A vacuum cleaner, mop and various other cleaning material are also made available for your use. Please read the information provided in the property for updated Covid-19 information.
Please be mindful of local neighbours and behave in a way, at all times, while at the property which does not break any law or cause damage to the property. We can refuse to allow you into the property, or ask you to leave if we reasonably believe any member of the party is behaving illegally, or that any damage is likely to be caused, been caused or is being caused by the behaviour of any member of the party. We will treat this as cancellation by you and no refund will be issued.
We are sorry but here is no daily maid service.
Vehicles must be parked in the driveway and not on the double yellow lines outside the property. We take no responsibility for any damage to you, your vehicle or property during your stay so advise you to have taken out the relevant insurance.
Electric cars must not be charged at the property, our insurance doesn't cover this and if found to be doing so, you will be asked to leave. We will happily provide a list of local charging points.
Both external doors must always be kept locked and, windows must be kept closed when you are out.
Smoke, heat and carbon monoxide alarms must not be removed for any reason.
If there are any problems in the property during your stay, please phone us immediately. Our phone number is in the property along with emergency and local numbers. We want all our guests to have an enjoyable stay and cannot make any compensations for complaints made after your departure if we have not been given the chance to make them right during your stay.
The property is thoroughly inspected for damages and or losses after each guest leaves, however, if you find anything amiss, please report this within the first 24 hours of your arrival. We understand that accidents can and do happen, and because we live in the Highlands it can take a week or two, at least, to get replacements so please, if you have an accident and break something, even a glass, please inform me immediately, (a quick text is all that's required), so that I can try to source a replacement prior to the next guests stay. I'd really appreciate it.
We cannot be held responsible for noise or disturbance which comes from beyond the boundaries of the property, or which is beyond our control.
We also cannot be held responsible for the breakdown of equipment such as boilers, washing machines, shower, nor the failure of public utilities such as water and electricity. If any of these do happen to occur during your stay, we will try our very best to rectify them.
Usage – The property must not be used for events, such as parties, celebrations, or meetings, without advanced consent. We can and will refuse entry or repossess the property, and treat as if you are cancelling, if any of these occur and we have no responsibility to find you other accommodation.
By paying the deposit and signing the form, you are hereby agreeing to abide by these terms and conditions, and we will assume you have read them thoroughly.
McNeill Holiday Lets keeps guests’ details for up to two years for tax purposes then they are destroyed. However, we will also use the main guests’ details for the Scottish Governments Test and Protect Covid-19 (21 days), strategy if needed.
We hope you will find our revised policies and guidance reasonable but welcome any questions or queries you may have.
Please use the contact us button, email, or phone for enquiries and booking, alternatively, you can find us on Facebook. We look forward to hearing from you.
Please click on the prices button to view the prices for 2022/24. (If you are viewing on a mobile device, the prices button will be at the bottom of the page)
If you are unable to view them you can find the price list and current availability in the photo album section on the McNeill Holiday Lets Facebook page.
Alternatively send us an email or private message. We would love to hear from you.